Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Poetry Project

This list consists of poems that are considered great works of literature.

For our next project, you will create a web page in which you argue that one particular poem from this list is a great work of literature and should continue to be read and enjoyed. Poems will be assigned in class using a random generator. Follow this process to complete this assignment:
  • Due: Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Annotated Bibliography: Use the Evans Library to research at least two sources on the work. Create an MLA-style annotated bibliography which summarizes each source. Each annotation should be approximately 150 words.
  • Due Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Draft: Using the recent research you have completed on the great poem, as well as your own interpretations and judgment, write a text that argues that the poem is indeed worthy of being considered an important literary work and worthy of being read. 500 words.
  • Due Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Web Site: Use Adobe Spark to make a dynamic web page with your argument. Cite all sources using MLA.
Documents will be shared with you in Google Drive for submission.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Peer Review

Please follow the directions for the peer review. Manage your time well as there will be only one class period to complete this assignment:

  1. Distribute a copy of your draft with each member of your group.
  2. Read your draft aloud to your group.
  3. Answer the questions below on a piece of paper.
  4. When everyone is done writing answers to the questions, discuss the answers each member developed.
  5. Repeat until everyone's draft has been read and discussed. Make sure each group member receives the written feedback at the end of the session.
Please note that no response and any version of "I don't know" are not appropriate responses to any of the questions. Any answers with the intention of being constructive have the potential to help in the revision process. Give it your best shot as this is a chance to develop your own feedback skills.

Peer Review Questions
  • What story is being analyzed?
  • What is the author arguing about the story?
  • How does the argument relate to the theme?
  • How do the claims relate to the story?
  • Do you agree with the author's claims? Why or why not?
  • How does the author use evidence to support the claims?
  • How does the author tie the analysis to the evidence and claims?
  • What is the best part of the draft?
  • What words and phrases do you particularly like?
  • What general recommendations for improvements can you make?

  • Rate the mechanics of the draft (1-10):
_____ Spelling
_____ Grammar
_____ Punctuation
_____ Format
_____ Capitalization