Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Poetry Project

This list consists of poems that are considered great works of literature.

For our next project, you will create a web page in which you argue that one particular poem from this list is a great work of literature and should continue to be read and enjoyed. Poems will be assigned in class using a random generator. Follow this process to complete this assignment:
  • Due: Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Annotated Bibliography: Use the Evans Library to research at least two sources on the work. Create an MLA-style annotated bibliography which summarizes each source. Each annotation should be approximately 150 words.
  • Due Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Draft: Using the recent research you have completed on the great poem, as well as your own interpretations and judgment, write a text that argues that the poem is indeed worthy of being considered an important literary work and worthy of being read. 500 words.
  • Due Check Blackboard on 3/30 for updates- Web Site: Use Adobe Spark to make a dynamic web page with your argument. Cite all sources using MLA.
Documents will be shared with you in Google Drive for submission.

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